Buying Membership of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
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You can buy membership of the European Society for Textual Scholarship through this page, paying by credit card through the secure PayPal system.

Before you buy: check the list of current members here. You may already be a paid-up member!

We are now offering membership for 2009-10. This entitles you to a copy of Variants 8, and to attend the 2010 ESTS conference in Pisa and Florence. See for details of Variants, and specimen pages from Volume 5. Copies of Variants 7 will be posted out to paid-up members in August 2010.

You can buy ESTS membership now, online, paying by credit card or PayPal. We are also still selling membership for 2008-9, for those who want to acquire Variants 7.

We also offer the option of buying two years membership at the reduced rate of €80 or £64.

Membership for 2009-10, including Variants 8:
  Individual membership: €50 or £40
Membership for 2008-9, including Variants 7:
  Individual membership: €50 or £40
Two years membership at a reduced rate: membership for 2008-9, including Variants 7, and for 2009-10, including Variants 8
  Individual membership: €80 or £64

OR if you do not want to buy over the web

  • Fill out the following form, print it out and fax it to Scholarly Digital Editions on +44 (0) 121 275 6212, or post it to Scholarly Digital Editions Sales, 12 The Old Silverworks, 54a Spencer St, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, B18 6JT, UK. (If you are sending a fax from outside the UK: prefix this with the international code -- 011 for the US, 00 for most countries -- and omit the "0". Thus, from the US, you need to dial 011 44 121 275 6212)

State which membership you want, for what year or years, with the price in euros or pounds as specified above.

Membership, year or years, price in euros or pounds:
Post order to:
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If you wish to pay by some other means (cheque on UK bank account, or international money transfer), email us.

Refunds policy: you may cancel your purchase within seven days of order, or seven days of receipt of goods (whichever is the longer). If you cancel your order within this period all purchase monies will be refunded (following return of the goods, if you have received them). Please email us in the event of any query.

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