Buying Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies
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Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies was published by Scholarly Digital Editions on 8 October, 2003; individual license ISBN 1-904628-02-8.

It is available on CD-ROM for Macintosh and Windows PCs. You need a recent internet browser; all other software is provided on the CD-ROM. A PC 486 or later with Windows 95 or later, with 128MB of RAM and CD-ROM drive/or a Macintosh running OSX with 128 MB of RAM is recommended.

To buy the Caxton's Canterbury Tales, either:

  • Fill out the following form, print it out and fax it to Scholarly Digital Editions on +44 (0) 116 2214160, or post it to Scholarly Digital Editions Sales, 31 Guilford Road, Leicester LE2 2RD, UK. (If you are sending a fax from outside the UK: prefix this with the international code -- 011 for the US -- and omit the first "0". Thus, from the US, you need to dial 011 44 116 22 141 60)


  • Email the information to (Warning! you may not want to trust credit card information to the internet)


  • Buy from our Amazon shop. You can buy directly using any credit card at that site


  • For individual buyers, the Caxton's Canterbury Tales costs £23.50 UK + £2 post and packing (including VAT) within the European Union; $40 US + $3 post and packing posted elsewhere in the world.
  • For library and institutional buyers, it costs £55 UK + £2 (including VAT) within the European Union; $80 US + $3 post and packing elsewhere in the world.

 Individual Purchase (£23.50/$35+£2/$3)
 Library Purchase (£55/$80+£2/$3.)


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